Central Lancashire



Here are links to the branch's facebook, twitter, and instagram pages:-

facebook link = twitter link = Instagram logo

Here is a link to CAMRA's massive national pub database:-

WhatPub logo

Here is a link to the website of the CAMRA West Pennines Region:-

West Pennines

And here are links to the websites of our neighbouring CAMRA branches:-

Blackpool Fylde & Wyre also their facebook page and their twitter page and their instagram page

Bolton also their twitter page

East Lancashire also their facebook page and their twitter page

Lunesdale also their facebook page

Southport & West Lancashire also their facebook page

Wigan also their twitter page and their instagram page

Brewery Links

For links to the websites of microbreweries in the CAMRA Central Lancashire branch area see the Local Breweries webpage.

Here are links to the websites of other breweries which have pubs within the CAMRA Central Lancs branch area:-

Greene King

JW Lees



Samuel Smith's


PubCo Links

Here are links to the websites of some of the pub companies (and divisions of pub companies) that have pubs within the CAMRA Central Lancs branch area:-

Amber Taverns (see CAMRA Voucher Scheme webpage)

John Barras (part of Spirit)

Bravo Inns

Brunning & Price

Chef & Brewer (part of Spirit)

Crown Carveries (part of Mitchells & Butlers)

Dorbiere Pub Group

Ember Inns (part of Mitchells & Butlers)

Fayre & Square (part of Spirit)

Fayre Inns (associated with Thwaites)

Flaming Grill Pubs (part of Spirit)

Green Crab Pubs

Holt Pub Company

Hungry Horse (part of Greene King)

Inglenook Inns & Taverns

Marston's Inns & Taverns (managed pubs)

Marston's Pub Company (tenanted pubs)

Mitchell's Hotels & Inns

Mitchells & Butlers

The Orchid Group

Original Pub Company (part of Spirit)

Seafood Pub Company

Sizzling Pubs (part of Mitchells & Butlers)


Stonegate Pub Company (see CAMRA Voucher Scheme webpage)

Trust Inns

Vintage Inns (part of Mitchells & Butlers)

JD Wetherspoon (see CAMRA Voucher Scheme webpage)

Yates (part of Stonegate Pub Company) (see CAMRA Voucher Scheme webpage)

Pub Links

Many pubs in the Central Lancs branch area have their own website, and some are better than others.

For links to pub websites and to pubs with pubco webpages go to the Local Pubs & Clubs Guide webpage.

Other Links

Here are some more links that people may find useful.

For those interested in pubs and local history:-

Preston's Inns, Taverns, And Beerhouses

Chorley's Inns And Taverns

The Lost Pubs Project - Lancashire

For those interested in breweries and the many different beers that have been produced:-


For those who want to know more about the Cask Marque scheme:-

Cask Marque

For those interested in going for a healthy walk along with their pub visit:-

Lancashire Walks

For those having problems:-

Lancashire Trading Standards