About The Branch
A few landmark years:-
1973 : CAMRA West Lancashire branch is formed. The first meeting was held at the Moorbrook, Preston.
1978 : First issue of Ale Cry produced.
2010 : Change in branch boundaries, with pubs in the Hesketh Bank, Rufford, and Tarleton areas becoming the responsibility of CAMRA Southport branch.
2011 : Name change to CAMRA Central Lancashire branch. The new name became effective from January 2012.
2012 : Launch of this branch website.
2013 : Change in branch boundaries, with pubs in Bispham Green and Wrightington Bar becoming the responsibility of CAMRA Wigan branch.
2018 : First Pub of the Year award decided on voting open to all local branch members. The winner was the Guild Ale House, Preston.
2024 : Change in regional boundaries, with CAMRA Central Lancashire branch being placed in the new North West Region. Previously we had been a part of the West Pennines Region.
See also:-
A Branch History - an article which first appeared in the Winter 2008 issue of Ale Cry.
The End of CAMRA West Lancashire branch - an article which first appeared in the Winter 2011 issue of Ale Cry.